
Bourse aux don  Bourse aux don, is a French food donation platform that connects food donors (retailers, food industries) with charity associations and communal centres of social action.

Foodsharing  Foodsharing is a platform which allows households, traders and producers to offer, receive and share surplus food free of charge.

Food waste information  Food waste page on the European Commission website , including 10 tips on how to reduce food waste.

Love Food Hate Waste  Love Food Hate Waste is an awareness raising platform on food waste run by WRAP in the UK.

PlanZHeroes  PlanZHeroes is an online map connecting businesses which have surplus food with nearby charities that need it.

Saa syödä!   Saa syödä! License to Eat! is a Finnish website which provides information on food waste, recipes for using leftovers and guidance on portion control.

Un anno contro lo spreco  Un anno contro lo spreco is an Italian awareness campaign against food waste which has produced a number of free leaflets and reports.

German-speaking network for the prevention of food waste  Essens Wert is a German network which brings together various stakeholders from the fields of research and consumer protection in order to conduct research on topics related to food waste and inform consumers and others.

DYNAMIX  DYNAMIX is a FP7 programme which works to identify dynamic and robust policy mixes that can lead to decoupling the environmental impact of EU resource use from economic growth, including those impacts linked to the agri-chain.

Think Eat Save ‘Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint’ is a global campaign against food waste launched by the United Nations; their website features food waste news, tips for consumers, reports and other resources.

Flemish Government Food Loss site   This website includes information on food loss related work undertaken by the Flemish government, including on initiatives, projects and publications and the Interdepartmental Working Group on Food Loss


SAVE FOOD  The SAVE FOOD programme is a global initiative on food losses and waste reduction.
FOODSPILL  The FOODSPILL project focuses on quantifying food waste and examining its sources, related environmental impacts and methods for waste reduction.
European Federation of Food Banks  The European Federation of Food Banks brings together 247 food banks in 21 countries in Europe with the goal of giving each person in Europe access to a sufficient and balanced diet by fighting against food waste.
Zero Waste Europe  Zero Waste Europe, is a European coalition of municipalities, companies, universities and organisations committed to work to eliminate waste in Europe.
Stop Wasting Food movement   Stop Spild Af Mad (Stop Wasting Food movement) is a Danish consumer movement against food waste.
Feeding the 5000  Feeding the 5000 is a global food waste campaign, working with individuals, governments and international organisations to promote and implement the positive solutions to food waste.

Non-FUSIONS publications

BIO IS (2010) EC Preparatory study on food waste across EU 27

BIO IS (2011) EU Food Waste Prevention Guidelines

FAO (2011) Global Food Losses and Food Waste

MTT (2012) Ruokahävikki suomalaisessa ruokaketjussa, Foodspill hankkeen loppuraportti (Food waste volume and composition in Finnish food chain)

Redlingshöfer, B. and Soyeux, A. (2012) Food losses and wastage: crucial, complex and multiple reserves for sustainability, in: Rio+20: Research for Sustainable Development? Pujol J-L. (Ed), Dossiers de l’environnement de l’Inra, n°32, Paris, 71-84.

Schneider F. (2011) Leitfaden "Weitergabe von Lebensmitteln an soziale Einrichtungen" (guideline "Donation of food to social organisations", published by Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Schneider F., Lebersorger S. (2009) Untersuchung der Lebensmittel im Restmüll in einer oberösterreichischen Region (Analysis of food in residual household waste in Upper Austrian region).

SIWI (2008) Saving Water: From Field to Fork – Curbing Losses and Wastage in the Food Chain

Stop Wasting Food movement, Danish Consumer Council and Danish Agriculture & Food Council (2012) Study of Danish food waste behaviour and recommendations for action (requires GoogleTranslate from Danish to English)

Universität Stuttgart (2012) Ermittlung der weggeworfenen Lebensmittelmengen und Vorschläge zur Verminderung der Wegwerfrate bei Lebensmitteln in Deutschland (Determination of discarded food quantities and proposals to reduce the rate of wasted food in Ge

WRAP Household Food Waste Research Listing

WRAP (2011) New estimates for household food and drink waste in the UK

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 311972.
“The views and opinions expressed in this website are purely those of the writers and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.”